- Computer fundamentals
- Introduction to C++ programming
- Object Oriented and Structure Oriented
- C++ character set, Tokens (Identifiers, Keywords, Constants, Operators)
- Header files
- I/O operators (<< and >>)
- Data Types & Type casting
- Operators
- Flow of control
- Conditional statements
- Loops
- Branching statement
10. Arrays
- Introduction
- Processing array elements
- Array programming
- Two dimensional arrays
11. Functions:
- Defining a function
- Prototype & Function Call
- Classifications of function
- Scope rules of functions and variables(local and global variables)
- pre defined Functions: fabs(), log(), log10(), pow(), sqrt(), sin(), cos(), abs(), randomize(), random() ;
12. Strings
13. Object-Oriented Programming:
- Introduction to OOPS
- Data hiding
- Data encapsulation
- Class and Object
- Abstract class and Concrete class
- Polymorphism
- Inheritance
14. Implementation OOP concepts in C++:
- Class members
- Constructors
- Destructors
15. Inheritance (Extending Classes):
- Introduction
- Terminology
- Defining derived classes
- protected visibility mode
- Single level inheritance
- Multilevel inheritance
- Multiple inheritance
- Private, protected and public class
16. File Handling:
- Need of File handling
- Text file and Binary files
- Basic file operations
- ofstream, fstream classes;
- use of open(), get(), put(), getline() and close() functions
17. Pointers:
- Declaration & Initialization
- Dynamic memory
- Pointers and Arrays
- Array of Pointers
- Function returning a pointer
- Reference variables
- Function call by reference.
- Pointer to structures
- self-referential structures
18. Project:
- Read information from File like Accounts like accno, name and balance.
- Construct linked list using file information
- Perform operations like append, insert, delete, modify ….
- Re write the information of linked list finally into File.